Banquet (19:00-, 9th Jan. 2015)
Place: "Comesta" in the Mitsui-garden hotel near the Kashiwanoha Campus station (see the map below)
Be careful not to consult the Google map, because the location of the Mitsui-garden hotel is wrong!
Fee: 3000yen
Bus (~10 mins) from Todai-mae(ISSP side of the street in front of the university campus):
18:11, 18:15, 18:25*, 18:26, 18:47*, 18:50, 18:57
*: small direct bus (~5mins) to the Kashiwanoha Campus statation without going to the National Cancer center.

It takes about 25mins from ISSP to Mitsui Garden hotel on foot. See some details (japanese) and (english).
