Mar 30 (Mon) |
10:00 |
10:15 |
opening |
Topological state, entanglement, and correlation |
10:15 |
10:55 |
Frank Pollmann (MPI-PKS)
| |
Entanglement, and dynamics in many-body localized systems
10:55 |
11:35 |
Masaki Oshikawa (ISSP)
Symmetry protection of critical phases and global anomaly in 1+1 dimensions |
11:35 |
12:15 |
Toshikaze Kariyado (Univ Tsukuba)
| |
Correlation effects on the topological edge states
in graphene nanoflakes:
Relation between nanostructure
and local magnetic order |
12:15 |
13:30 |
lunch |
Nonequilibrium Mott physics and charge properties
13:30 |
14:10 |
Ichiro Terasaki (Nagoya Univ)
| |
The Mott insulator Ca2RuO4 in a
non-equilibrium steady state
14:10 |
14:50 |
Akira Ueda (ISSP)
Hydrogen-bonded purely organic conductors:
Exploration of hydrogen-bond-dynamics-coupled electronic properties |
14:50 |
15:05 |
break |
Dynamics in frustrated systems
15:05 |
15:45 |
Mathieu Taillefumier (OIST)
Semi-classical spin dynamics of the antiferromagnetic
Heisenberg model on the kagome lattice
15:45 |
16:25 |
Masafumi Udagawa (UTokyo, Hongo)
Emergent collective excitations and anomalous dynamics
of spin ice with short-range interaction
16:25 |
17:50 |
poster session |
18:00 |
20:00 |
banquet |
Mar 31 (Tue) |
QCP and topological phases
9:00 |
9:40 |
Yosuke Matsumoto (ISSP)
Emergent critical phase in a correlated electron system
9:40 |
10:20 |
Tsuneya Yoshida (RIKEN)
Classification of two-dimensional symmetry protected
topological phases with a reflection symmetry
10:20 |
10:35 |
break |
Quantum spin ice
10:35 |
11:15 |
Kenta Kimura (Osaka Univ)
Quantum fluctuations in exchange-based spin ice
11:15 |
11:55 |
Olga Petrova (MPI-PKS)
Magnetic monopoles in diluted quantum spin ice
11:55 |
13:20 |
lunch |
Skyrmion and Higgs mode
13:20 |
14:00 |
Naoto Nagaosa (RIKEN/Univ Tokyo)
Dynamics of coupled electrons, skrymions and monopoles
14:00 |
14:40 |
Naoto Tsuji (Univ Tokyo)
Light-induced Higgs-mode resonance in s-wave and d-wave
14:40 |
14:55 |
break |
Quantum spin liquids
14:55 |
15:35 |
Yoshitomo Kamiya (RIKEN)
Solidifying a quantum spin liquid in a 3D toric code
15:35 |
16:15 |
Dima Kovrizhin (Univ Cambridge)
Dynamics in quantum spin-liquids
16:15 |
16:20 |
closing |
Poster Session
PS-01 |
Koudai Iwahori (Kyoto Univ) |
| |
Periodically-driven Kondo impurity coupled to
an ultracold fermionic bath
PS-02 |
Masaya Nakagawa (Kyoto Univ) |
Photo-induced Kondo effect and its anomalous behavior
PS-03 |
Akihisa Koga (Tokyo Tech) |
| |
Transport properties for a quantum dot coupled
to normal leads with the pseudogap structure
PS-04 |
Yuta Murakami (Univ Tokyo) |
Dynamical mean-field analysis of non-equilibrium
relaxation processes in an electron-phonon coupled system
PS-05 |
Takumi Ohta (YITP) |
| |
Phase diagram of a one-dimensional generalized cluster
model and dynamics during an interaction sweep
PS-06 |
Yuya Nakagawa (ISSP) |
Flux quench in the S=1/2 XXZ chain
PS-07 |
Kazuaki Takasan (Kyoto Univ) |
| |
Topological Kondo insulators in strong laser fields
PS-08 |
Satoru Maeda (Kyutech) |
Effect of Ca-doping on pyrochlore iridates
PS-09 |
Kim Hyeon-Deuk (Kyoto Univ) |
| |
Dynamical analyses of condensed-phase hydrogens
using nuclear and electron wave packet molecular
dynamics simulation
PS-10 |
Tomoyuki Hamada (Hitachi Ltd) |
First principle calculation of electronic structures
of lantanide oxides with pseudopotential method
PS-11 |
Takeru Nakayama (ISSP) |
| |
Fano resonance between Higgs bound states and Nambu-Goldstone
PS-12 |
Katsuaki Kobayashi (UEC) |
Convergence for the groundstate auxiliary field method
PS-13 |
Amane Uehara (Univ Tokyo) |
| |
Theoretical study of charge-spin-orbital fluctuations
in mixed valence spinels:
AlV2O4 and LiV2O4
PS-14 |
Yusuke Sugita (Univ Tokyo) |
Excitonic multipole order in a d-p model with parity mixing
PS-15 |
Joji Nasu (Tokyo Tech) |
| |
Finite temperature phase transition in chiral spin liquids
PS-16 |
Takanori Sugimoto (TUS) |
Magnetization process in a frustrated spin ladder
PS-17 |
Kazuhiko Tanimoto (YITP) |
| |
Topological quantum phase transition in an SU(N)-invariant
spin chain
PS-18 |
Ryo Ozawa (Univ Tokyo) |
Meron crystals with spin scalar chiral stripes
PS-19 |
Hiroyuki Fujita (ISSP) |
| |
Chiral magnetic effect in insulators